Friday, August 31, 2012

Strawberry Hot Chocolate.

4 Tablespoons butter
1/2 Cup Sugar
1 Pint Strawberry Ice Cream
4 Cups Water
1 Cup Chocolate Chips
1 Tablespoon Chocolate Sprinkles
Cool Whip
Melt chocolate and dip the top of mugs into it.  Set aside until later.
Mix butter, sugar, and ice cream over medium heat on the stove.  Whisk water, a cup at a time, until the desired texture is reached.  Remember, this is hot chocolate not a milkshake.
Pour into chocolate rimmed mugs and decorate with whipped cream and sprinkles.  (I added a chocolate chip cookie!)

My boyfriend surprised me by having my favorite sandwich from my favorite Italian bakery/deli ready for me when I got out of work.  Afterward though I was really in the mood for something sweet.  We were thinking about going to get frozen yogurt at this new frozen yogurt bar, but traffic was super bad and it was getting late so we stopped at the local grocery store instead and picked up a few items.  This is what we made.  This recipe makes way more than two.  I was able to make five of these for my family and I still had to throw some away sadly.  
This would be a great Valentine's Day dessert.  It's warming, delicious, and sweet.  Great for February.  

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