Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Scales

I forgot to post on here that I got a new tattoo!
My best friend Taylor and I decided to get tattoos on a whim one day, and the place we went to, Wild Side Tattoos, let us do a walk in appointment.  I don't suggest walk in appointments, but it sure was fun doing something you don't do everyday and not planning it all out.  It felt freeing to me.  haha
I decided to get the scales on the upper right side corner of my left wrist.  I'm really happy with it.  :3
This is the tattoo my friend Taylor got.  I love the script on hers I think it came out great! 
 Overall it was an awesome day.  After getting our tattoos we went out for a lovely lunch at a restaurant called Bertucci's.  I hadn't been there since I was a kid so I loved it, it felt very comfortable there. 
 What's cool about this restaurant is they give kids dough to play with while they're waiting for the food to come and that was always a deal breaker for me, and my favorite part as a kid!

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