Friday, January 24, 2014

14 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day with Friends and Family

  1. Secret Valentine's Day Santa:  Get some friends together, set a price range, and let the fun begin!  Picking out gifts for other people is always fun, especially friends, and receiving gifts is nice too (I like seeing what people pick out for me!)  Pick a theme, for example only buy candy or red and pink items.
  2. Dessert Dinner Party:  Throw a party serving only desserts, since it is Valentine's Day.  Everyone can bring their favorite sweet item, and maybe a savory one too.  
  3. Attend a Cooking Class:  With a little research there are all kinds of cooking/baking classes going on.  From learning how to make a three course meal to being taught how to decorate a cupcake there are options out there for everyone.  And this isn't just a couples thing.  Cooking/baking with friends can be super fun too!
  4. Pottery Painting:  Get artsy by going to a local ceramics or painting class.  Maybe even host your own painting party with cute snacks and fun drinks.
  5. Spa Date:  A lot of spas offer all kinds of Valentine's Day deals, but who says they have to be only for couples?  A spa day with friends can be just as good, maybe even better.
  6. Take a Scrapbooking or Card Making Class:  Craft stores such as Michael's usually always offer all kinds of classes, and with a holiday such as Valentine's Day there will definitely be a lot of heart themed crafts to be made.
  7. Work Out Class:  Head to a fitness class with some friends!  Yoga, zumba, kick boxing, or pilates are all super great classes to take or just to try out.  Maybe even try bikram yoga if you're feeling adventurous.
  8. Movies:  The most common Valentine's Day date, seeing a movie.  Whether you're seeing a new release or you're cuddling up to Netflix it's always a nice way to spend a night, especially with friends.
  9. Dog Date:  Take your furry friend to a park and have a nice head-clearing walk in fresh air.  Invite friends and get your heart rate up by gossiping!
  10. See a Show:  Whether it's a Broadway musical or a community theater play, getting out of the house to see a performance can be really amazing, or really quite hysterical.  Either way it'll be a memory and something to definitely talk about afterwards.
  11. Fun Run:  Popping up everywhere are 5K Valentine's Day themed runs.  Get out and discover a new workout or even hobby.
  12. Game Night:  Invite some friends over and play some classic games such as Pictionary, Clue, or Jenja.  But don't forget the snacks!
  13. Visit the Aquarium or a Museum:  Going to an aquarium or a museum during the off season, February, gives you the best deals and the best views.
  14. Have a Themed Dinner:  Invite friends and family over for themed dinner.  Get creative and have only heart shaped food or only bite-sized food!

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