Saturday, June 25, 2016

Birthday Cakes 4 Free, Nautical Themed Cupcakes

Nothing fancy, but this was a last minute request for the not for profit I volunteer for, Birthday Cakes 4 Free, Middlesex County, Connecticut.  I got this request from a girl's mom who said her daughter wanted a white cake with blue frosting and something nautical themed.  I only had four days, but I think they came out kind of cute.
I got almost all my supplies off Amazon Prime.  Everything but the ingredients for the cake and frosting, but Amazon Prime saved me so much time and money and stress because all I had to do was go to my local grocery store instead of also going out of my way looking for craft store supplies, which probably would have left me checking multiple stores, while Amazon had everything in one place with free two day shipping.
Anyway, I delivered the cupcakes this morning and the mother who sent in the request was so nice and extremely grateful.  She sent me the sweetest email I just had to screenshot it. 
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!  Mine's perfect.

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