Every since I can remember I've worked multiple jobs. It's how I saved to buy my own house, and it's how I've learned to live. But this year, 2019, I decided to quit my second job and commit to only one. This is the first time I've only had one job since I was a teenager.
My main job is at a small bank as a universal banker. It's not what I want to do forever but with still taking classes towards finishing my degree it's worked into my schedule pretty nicely. I make a decent hourly wage, just under eighteen dollars an hour, and I only work about thirty-eight to forty hours a week. I have every Wednesday and Sunday off, and I only work a half-day on Saturdays. It's manageable. And I get good paid time off options and benefits, such as a 401K, tuition reimbursement, and a pension.
My second job, the one I recently left, was at Sunglass Hut. I worked at Sunglass Hut for three years and I don't regret it at all. In the great scheme of things, it was a halfway decent job. I worked with a lot of fun and great people, I got paid to talk, as employees we got good discounts on the merchandise, the company gave us a 401k, and honestly, I did like it there. It just didn't pay well. And the hours weren't guaranteed how they are at the bank. For if the store isn't making its goal that week, hours get cut and employees get sent home. This never happens at my main job. In three years I only made about twelve dollars an hour plus commission that we weren't promised, for the entire store had to make its goal in order for each employee to get paid out their commission for that week. Meaning, I could make my sales goals all day every day, but if other employees didn't and the store didn't make their goal I wouldn't see that commission ever. It was extremely unfair and frustrating, but it wasn't as if the commissions were anything great anyway. They were close to nothing so it barely made a difference.
I kept working at Sunglass Hut solely for the employee discounts and the good company of my other coworkers, but it was starting to take a huge toll on me. I was working seven days a week, plus taking classes. I was tired and drained. My ride to Sunglass Hut was thirty-five minutes one way, over an hour roundtrip. And if I was in a hurry I would forget my reuseable water bottle or lunch. Meaning I would have to buy water and lunch whenever I worked there. I would keep snacks in my purse, but sometimes that just wasn't enough so working at a mall I would be tempted to get food I typically don't eat. I didn't do this every time I worked. For the most part I was prepared when it came to food at lunchtime, but I found myself making impulse buys working at the mall. Food was my biggest impulse because a latte at the Lindt Chocolate store here and there didn't seem like a lot, but it was for it added up financially. And I impulsively bought all kinds of clothes from the stores I would pass by. The deals would be too good and seeing things I wanted every week I found myself treating myself more often. I would legit say, "I work two jobs and got to school! I deserve this". But I didn't deserve anything. My second job started costing me more money than anything. Days when I just wanted a break I had to work. Days I wanted to catch up on housework or homework or just myself, I had to work. It started being too much for me, so after much consideration, and endless talks with friends and family I decided to quit my second job.
I thought I was going to feel sad about leaving the mall, but I don't. Sure I miss seeing my friends that I worked with, but I get together with some of them still, and I keep up with them on Instagram all the time. I have a lot more time for myself and for my fiance, Jake. Since only keeping one job I feel like I have my life in order in a way I didn't before. I have a much stricter budget now. I've found time to work out and plan dinners and lunches better, and I save money in gas for my car and wear and tear on it as well. I'm spending a lot more time with friends, and to me, overall, quitting my second job has been great! I wish I did it sooner.
I understand that not everyone has these circumstances, and people do need to work multiple jobs to get by. But sit down and ask yourself, "Is this really worth it"? Make a list of the money you make each week or each month from your side job, then deduct the gas you spend to get there. Deduct if you ever buy anything while at work, such as a coffee to get through the day or a sandwich when you're hungry. Then write how long each week it takes you to get ready for that job and the commute there and back. Think about things in your life that need to get done, such as housework and social stuff. Could you make a dent in these things with the extra time you spend at your second job, getting there, working, and recuperating from it? Obviously, if the money is good, stay, but if it's minimum wage, is it worth it? If it's getting you to be in the career field you're trying to get into, stay. If it brings you happiness, stay. But if your second job is taking away from your life, consider making an exit.
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