Sunday, March 17, 2013

50 Facts About Me.

  • My name is Victoria Sebastiana Vinci.  My first name came from a soap opera, my middle name is my dad's mother's name, and then obviously my last name came from my dad.
  • I was born October 21, 1994 making me a Libra.
  • I have an older sister, an older brother, and a younger brother.  (In that order.)
  • My dad is a cop who used to be on the swat team and my mom is a secretary.
  • I have the cutest little dachshund ever.  His name is Whiskey.
  • I'm a huge movie buff and book worm.
  • I'm currently and technically the editor of my school's newspaper, for two years now, even though I've been apart of the newspaper for three.
  • I'm a member of my school's book club for two years now, and I used to be apart of the International Culture Club, but I had to quit since it was on the same day as book club.
  • I come from a very long line of full Italians, but thanks to my great grandma I'm also French and Irish.
  • I've lived in Connecticut my entire life.
  • Eventually I want to own my own bakery.
  • I love collecting things.
  • I want to travel and see the world.
  • I used to have my lip pierced.  I was pretty much the definition of a 'scene kid' growing up.  But I'm completely different now.  I've gotten a lot more girly as I've gotten older.
  • I broke my nose at A Rocket To The Moon concert two years ago on St. Patrick's Day.
  • I currently work at a jewelry store, but before that I worked at a grocery store, I was a camp councilor, and worked for The Connecticut Bridge Association.
  • I have a huge love for Kurt Cobain.
  • One of the only reasons I don't mind living in Connecticut is because it's so close to New York City and I've been to the city a billion times.  I go about nine times a year and usually always stay over night for a few days.
  • I've been dying my hair since eighth grade, but I've had highlights done since first grade.
  • TV dramas like 'Gossip Girl' and 'The OC' are my guilty pleasures.
  • I've seen The Jonas Brothers thirteen times in concert, and I've met them three times.
  • I've been in a relationship every year since I started high school.
  • I love donating blood.  I try and donate as much as I can but I have very low iron levels so I have to take iron supplements.
  • I really love music from the sixties.
  • I had braces, but only for a year, from sixth grade to seventh grade, so thankfully no one remembers.
  • I never wear matching socks, ever.  This is mostly because I'm lazy, not superstitious.
  • Fall is my favorite season.  Which is another reason I don't mind living in Connecticut.
  • My favorite color is green.  Especially mint green.
  • I have two tattoos.
  • I hope to one day be published.
  • I hate sea food, but I love sushi.
  • I used to dance, for ten years and then I quit.  I still have the trophies and medals though.
  • I also have trophies and medals for soccer, basketball, softball, and for reading competitions.
  • I've had the same phone number since I was in seventh grade.
  • I used to play the guitar and the drums and sing.
  • I've tried going vegetarian so many times but I can never stick to it.
  • My boyfriend and I live together.
  • My hair is naturally curly and a very dark shade of brown.
  • Halloween is my favorite holiday.
  • Skipping school is one of my favorite activities.
  • I was once in an FX TV show and a music video.
  • I'm a huge fan of crafts and making things.
  • I was born and raised a Catholic, but I never practice religion anymore.
  • Serial killers are a huge interest of mine.
  • I don't like nicknames.  I prefer being called Victoria.
  • I love being on airplanes.
  • I have a huge sweet tooth.  I'm obsessed with anything chocolate.
  • Old vintage photos are my favorite.
  • All I ever drink is water, tea, and milk.
  • I love the smell of coffee, but not the taste.


  1. Love your blog :) are you on bloglovin'? :)

    1. Thank you so much that means a lot to me!:3
      No I've never heard of bloglovin I'll have to look into it.
