Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Day of Hiking.

Last Sunday Jake and I went to Gillette Castle to go hiking.
Gillette Castle was the beautiful home to William Gillette and his wife.  
Gillette was an actor and was most famous for playing Sherlock Holmes.  Him and his wife lived in East Haddam, Connecticut and their house is currently a state park open to anyone, with tours of the castle costing just six dollars.
Jake and I live so close to here, about twenty minutes away, and I have no idea why we don't come here more often because it's absolutely stunning!  And I swear it gets prettier every time I come.
There's all kind of hiking spots on the castle grounds and you can even go down to The Connecticut River.
I took this picture of myself when I was trying to check my hair before we went shopping after leaving the castle.  I ended up thinking it was kind of cool and keeping it. 
 No dumb artificial sun filter needed on a day like today!


  1. Love, love, love that place! I am so envious of you for living near it.

    (I can see why you liked the photo. I gravitate to that kind of photos as well!)

  2. It's literally so beautiful and nice there. It's one of the reasons I don't mind living where I do. :3

  3. My profile photo is similar to yours with the light reflection.

    That castle is beautiful!

    1. I love light reflection, especially when it's natural and real.

      I saw your picture on your blog and it's very lovely! Very nice lighting was captured :3
