Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Peanut Butter Apple Dip

Okay I eat this multiple times a week because it's literally so good! 
I use Justin's Peanut Butter (vanilla or honey or whatever flavor you want, I've even tried almond butter which works great too), organic Stonyfield plain yogurt, and just a touch of honey!  Than I mix it all up and dip apples in it, and sometimes eat it just with a spoon because that's how good it is. 
It's simple, healthy, and taste great!  Literally my go to snack whenever I'm home.
I'm trying to make a lifestyle change, the cliche trying to 'get healthier' and be healthier.  I'm not looking so much for weight loss, even though that's an added plus, but what I really want is to finally tone up.  My entire life I've always killed myself with cardio and would wonder why I never looked that great.  Well now I know why, so that's my goal, get healthier and leaner. 

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